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Castle Museum in Łańcut

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Accesslibity rules for visiting the museum exhibitions

  1. Tours of the Museum should be booked:
    • by phone: 17 225 20 09, 17 225 20 10
    • by e-mail:
    • by fax: 17 225 20 12
    • by letter mailed to: Muzeum-Zamek w Łańcucie, ul. Zamkowa 1, 37-100 Łańcut
  2. While booking a tour you should provide the name and address of the ordering party, date of visit and time of starting the tour, number of persons (adults or children), and contact phone number.
  3. Tours for organized groups must be booked in advance, not later than 3 days before the planned date of the visit.
    The daily number of available tickets is limited due to conservation requirements; therefore it is possible that groups which arrive without booking will not be admitted.
  4. Museum Ticket Office is located in the building of Manege at 3 Maja Street.
  5. The main exhibitions of the Museum: Castle, Stables and Coach-House may be only visited with a tour guide, in groups of up to 25 people. Larger groups must be divided into smaller ones.
  6. Groups which have made a reservation should report the fact while buying the tickets.
  7. Tickets to:
    • 2nd floor
    • Stables
    • Coach House
    • History of the City inc. 10th Mounted Rifle Regiment
    • Orthodox Art
    • Orchid House
    can be bought directly at the entrance to the above exhibitions
  8. Admission to the Museum expositions – exclusively with valid tickets (including free tickets). Relevant admission time is specified on each ticket. Please, take note of it.
  9. On Mondays you can visit the Museum’s main exhibitions free of charge from 12.00 to 15.00. No guided tours are allowed at this time.
  10. On the remaining days (from Tuesday to Sunday) individual visitors may enter the Museum’s main exhibitions at the following times:
    • February, March, April, October, November
      --- every hour (first admission at 10.00)
    • From May until September
      --- every 30 minutes (first admission at 9.30)
  11. Individual tourists may visit the main exhibitions of the Museum: Castle, Stables and Coach-House in groups of 11 to 25 people with a tour guide, whose fee is included in the ticket price.
  12. Those visiting the main exhibitions of the Museum in groups consisting of up to 10 persons are obliged to pay an additional guide’s fee.
  13. Individual tourists can visit the Museum on their own with audio-guides, after purchasing adequate tickets.
  14. Audio-guides to the Castle - Stables - Coach House are available every day except Mondays (due to technical check up) in Polish, English, German and French language versions. Audio-guides to the Castle interiors can be rented in the cloakroom in the castle; these for the Stables and Coach House are available in the Stable Hall.
  15. Individual tourists wishing to visit only Stables and Coach House will be asked to join groups currently visiting these expositions.
  16. Individuals visiting in groups with a guide, as well as organized groups meet at a specified time, in designated places in front of the main entrance to the Manege and the tour starts from there.
  17. In order to visit the exhibitions at a time which is different than the regular opening times of the Museum – Extra Ticket – you must make a reservation not later than 3 days before the planned date of the visit.
    The extra fee for this type of ticket is determined on a case-by-case basis.
  18. Guided tours of the museum exhibitions may be conducted in the following languages:
    → English → German → French → Russian.
  19. Without a tour guide following additional exhibitions may be visited:
    • History of the City, incl. 10th Mounted Rifle Regiment
    • Orthodox Art
    • Orchid House
  20. Prices of tickets for special exhibitions, concerts, and other events are specified on a case-by-case basis.

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